Welcome to baby and child massage uk

Hi I’m Mary and I run Baby and Child Massage. I love to collaborate and co-train with some amazing women .


Mary has been with the IAIM and MISA for over 14 years. She is a Certified IAIM Trainer and instructor and Massage in Schools Practitioner. Her background is in young people's work, sexual health training and education and clinic management.

'The IAIM wraps it's arms around the parent and child relationship without interfering. I was really struck by this aspect of empowering and supporting parents and babies on their journey without getting in the way of their unique process. The humble nature of the instructor allows parents to find their own way with their baby and really stood out to me.  Sylvie Hétu was my trainer and I owe so much gratitude to her. I feel honoured to have be trained by the IAIM and feel a deep connection with it’s core intentions.

I love the work of trainer and the work of an infant massage instructor. We have a lot of fun and I look forward to welcoming you onto my training.

For me this work brings hope and possibility. Important and Joyous.