20 Jan 25 - 5 Day IAIM certified infant massage instructor training Online training course

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20 Jan 25 - 5 Day IAIM certified infant massage instructor training Online training course

from £595.00

Monday, 20 January '25   5 days

ONLINE   ZOOM: 822-9022-6306

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Immerse yourself in our five day intensive training with expert IAIM trainers. These courses are with Mary Beattie. The course covers everything you will need to run Infant Massage classes for parents and their babies. You will become a parent educator, supporting them to learn a new skill with their baby. Our association is the oldest and most established and present on all the continents. You can fully trust the team of experts that ensure that our course is robust, safe, beneficial and fulfilling. We are accredited by the Royal College of Midwives and supported by a wealth of peer reviewed research.


June 24th - June 28th 2024 IAIM instructor training information

Directions and timings
• The course runs from 9am until 1pm Monday, 9am to 3pm Tuesday, 9am to 4pm Wednesday to Friday
• The course is being held online using zoom
• Please let me know if you have any additional need that would be useful for me to know about so that I can support your learning.
• Online participants are asked to organise bringing one parent and baby to the online sessions 1pm to 2:15pm on the Wednesday Thursday and Friday - they can attend from their own homes.

• What to expect
• The IAIM course is a 5-day intensive course that includes the following:
1) Discussion of the IAIM: History, structure, future and the role of the Certified Infant Massage Instructor.
2) The IAIM Curriculum: This includes the infant massage strokes, contraindications, infant and parent communication, teaching skills, special situations, the growing child, and much more.
3) In-class activities to enhance learning: This includes activities that engage the student's various learning channels to give him / her further experience as memorable record to draw information from.
4) Supervised practical experience: A 75-minute live parent-baby class on days 3, 4 and 5 of the training - on day 3, the students observe the IAIM trainer, Mary, teach. On days 4 and 5, the students conduct supervised teaching so that they may have the opportunity to experience a class in a supported setting and be able to participate. All of which offers further foundation and enhancement of the student's innate teaching abilities.
• We invite families with babies for the live classes.
What to bring
• Please note, you will be working on the floor for most of the training on mats. If you have a yoga mat you could bring that would be really helpful.
• Please bring a pillow or cushion with you plus a small blanket.
• We will provide light refreshments (fruit, biscuits, etc) and tea and coffee. If you have any dietary requirements please let me know again (such as allergies).
• Please bring a packed lunch, spoon, mug and glass.
• You will have access to boiling water for tea / herbal teas and coffee which will be provided. We will also provide milk / plant-based milk.
• There is a fridge at the venue you may store lunch in (please nothing too smelly).
• Please bring pen and a notebook.
• Clothes for a baby aged 6-9 months and a nappy for your doll.
• Socks and casual clothing / layers that you feel comfortable sitting on the floor in.
assignment and practice requirements

• You must attend all 4 days of the 4-Day Training. Requests to arrive late or leave early, will be granted under extraordinary circumstances only.
• Within 4 months (this will be explained fully on day 4 of the training) of the last day of the training, students must complete the following:
o Successful teaching and evaluation of practice teaching:
 Teach 5 parent / baby infant massage classes (over 5 weeks) either private, individual, one-on-one or as a group.
 This must be a volunteer effort – no charge to the parent or caregiver except to cover your costs (venue hire etc).
o Successful completion of the open-book, take-home exam.
 Extensions are granted for extraordinary circumstances.
 In this event, the trainer should be contacted before the target date to be granted a new date.
• Upon completion of the course, you will be able to:
o Discuss current research on the benefits of infant massage.
o Discuss the benefits of infant massage for parents and families and its potential impact on modern societies.
o Demonstrate skill in guiding, discussing and observing parents and families in the following areas:
 Infant massage, infant cues and communication and adaptation to special needs infants and the growing child.
 Apply facilitation skills for use in group and private class settings.
 Apply marketing skills for a successful career in teaching infant massage to parents and families.

When purchasing this training you agree that you have read the Instuctor Agreement and Terms and Conditions